Whether you are an emerging or established leader, we believe in equipping you by building bridges to distinguished experts and current thinkers.

Whether you are an accomplished business person or a young upstart with a fire to make a dent in the world we currently live in, quality partnerships make a world of a difference.

Too often, the hustle and bustle of business takes precedence - people are viewed as resources to deploy; bottom lines are regarded as sacred above all else; companies become fine - tuned machines for efficiency and output.

Quality partnerships are an expression and celebration of our humanity. And ELC 2023 is all about the humans that make up flourishing partnerships when hearts and ambitions align.

Partnerships are hard-wired into our biology. We humans are inherently social and quality partnerships are an expression and celebration of our humanity.

Quality partnerships are an expression and celebration of our humanity. When we learn to tap into the limitless potential of partnerships - we break down the doors of impossibility.

Whether you are the owner or CEO of a business, an emerging young leader or a pastor in your local church, we can all agree on this: Partnerships are crucial in all facets of life.

An ancient Chinese proverb posits that “two tigers cannot share the same mountain” - yet, no man is an island and no organization is a lonely enterprise.

Whether you are a pastor, teacher, ministry leader, or lay member, we rely on each other to bring the Light of the Gospel to the four corners of this world.